Adventures in Crossposting.

This blog is dedicated to all of my crossposting friends. I am constantly amazed by all of the hard work you put in, for no benefit other than seeing a "SAFE" label on the picture of an animal, whom you may have never met, who previously had little chance at a happy life...or a life at all. You, along with the wonderful rescues, advocates, and helpful shelter workers all over the country are fighting to make sure that someday, none of them will have to fight just to live.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Today Was a Bad Day.

I am so sad and angry and hopeless today. They killed 5 very sweet, adoptable pups, some who had less than a week to impress a potential adopter or rescue with one picture and some vital statistics. Several were abandoned to die by the people that they loved and trusted.

Why can't people just want a GOOD dog - not a breed of dog, not a size of dog, not a fancy dog to show off to their fancy friends...but a GOOD dog? So many good dogs die while people are off at the pet store picking up a puppy-mill special because it's "purebred". People seem to want dogs as status symbols - "look how tough I am", "look how much money I have", "look at this rare breed I was able to get ahold of" - and then they dump them when the dogs don't live up to their ridiculous expectations. Didn't you realize that a dog is not a Prada bag? Getting sick of a Prada bag doesn't condemn a thinking, feeling, loving, caring creature to death.

Why can't people spay and neuter their freaking animals? Why aren't they mandated to do so when they ditch puppies to go to their deaths at animal control? How hard is it to say "we are going to do a home check and require sterilization, because obviously you are not responsible"?

Why can't people commit to their dogs? Nobody said you HAD to take that apartment in that new city that said "no dogs"! Your "lack of time" is way better to your dog, who LOVES YOU, than death! Your allergies can be treated, but no, you'd rather dump your dog than spend the miniscule amount of money required. Your "lifestyle change" is nothing to your dog - if you were broke or a millionaire, he would chose life with you over death ANY DAY! Yeah, it may be hard on YOU to watch your senior dog have more and more trouble getting around, but imagine what it does to HIM when you ditch him in an unfamiliar place with concrete floors and stressful sounds, all alone, to DIE! All because you were such a fairweather friend that you couldn't be bothered to be there for a friend when he needed you. Especially when that friend would have stuck through ANYTHING for you.

I really hate people right now. I hate them.  I hope that people who brought Xena in to Animal Control realize that they signed her into death. I hope the person who is responsible for dropping Max off suffers the kind of sadness and aloneness that he did at the end. I hope the people who are breeding and creating all of these dogs like Edward and all of the other curs that died today come to a bad end caused by someone else's irresponsibility...the same end they damned these dogs to experiencing by letting them breed and not giving a shit what happened to them.

I wish I was a good enough person to be more forgiving, but today, I am not that person. Not at all. And this is why:

RIP: Xena, Edward, Max, Cindy, and the 10 month old black lab pup who died nameless. We are so sorry.

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